Laser Hair Removal 101: Do’s & Don’ts to Follow


Unwanted hair can be a constant battle for many of us. Shaving, plucking, and waxing can be complicated and painful and only offer temporary relief. Luckily, laser hair removal has emerged as a popular and effective long-term solution to this age-old problem. However, like any cosmetic procedure, it’s essential to know the do’s and don’ts to ensure the best results and a safe experience. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of laser hair removal, exploring the essential guidelines you should follow.

The Basics of Laser Hair Removal

Before we dive into the do’s and don’ts, let’s get a grasp of what laser hair removal actually is. Laser hair removal is a non-surgical procedure that uses strong light beams to target and destroy hair follicles. This process reduces or eliminates the growth of unwanted hair. It’s most effective on individuals with light skin tones and dark hair, but advancements in technology have made it suitable for various skin and hair types.

The Do’s of Laser Hair Removal

  1. Consultation is Key

Do: Schedule a consultation with a qualified professional.

This is the first and most crucial step in your laser hair removal journey. During the consultation, you’ll discuss your medical history, skin type, and treatment goals. The technician will also assess whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Be honest about your medical history, skin conditions, and any medications you’re taking. It’s vital to have realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the process.

  • Choose a Reputable Clinic

Do: Research and select a reputable laser hair removal clinic.

Not all laser hair removal providers are same and give the same result. Look for clinics with experienced and certified technicians who use FDA-approved equipment. Reading online reviews and asking for recommendations from friends or family can help you find a trustworthy clinic.

  • Stay Out of the Sun

Do: Avoid sun exposure before and after treatments.

Sun exposure can increase the chances of complications and interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment. Aim to stay out of the sun for at least six weeks before your laser sessions. If you need to be outside, wear sunscreen with high SPF and protective clothing.

  • Shave the Treatment Area

Do: Shave the area before your session.

You’ll need to shave the treatment area a day or two before your laser appointment. This helps the laser energy focus on the hair follicles beneath the skin without interference from surface hair. However, avoid waxing, plucking, or using depilatory creams, as these methods get rid of the hair from the root.

  • Keep the Area Clean

Do: Maintain good hygiene in the treated area.

Cleanliness is essential to prevent infections. Shower and cleanse the treatment area before your session, and avoid applying any lotions, creams, or makeup. After the session, use a mild, fragrance-free moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and calm.

  • Follow the Treatment Schedule

Do: Stick to your treatment schedule.

Laser hair removal is not a one-time fix. It typically requires several sessions spaced a few weeks apart to target hair in various stages of growth. Skipping sessions or extending the time between appointments can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Expect Some Discomfort

Do: Be prepared for mild discomfort.

While laser hair removal is generally well-tolerated, you may experience some discomfort during the procedure. It’s often described as a snapping or stinging sensation. Most people find it manageable, but you can discuss pain management options with your technician, such as applying a numbing cream.

  • Protect Your Skin Post-Treatment

Do: Be gentle with your skin after each session.

After your laser hair removal session, your skin may be sensitive and slightly red. Avoid hot showers, saunas, and activities that make you sweat excessively for 24-48 hours post-treatment. Apply a soothing, hydrating lotion recommended by your technician.

  • Be Patient

Do: Understand that results take time.

Laser hair removal does not provide instant gratification. It takes time for hair to fall out after each session, and the results may not be visible until all sessions are complete. Be patient and trust the process.

The Don’ts of Laser Hair Removal

The Don'ts of Laser Hair Removal
  1. Don’t Tan

Don’t: Get a tan before or between sessions.

Tanning darkens the skin, making it more challenging for the laser to separate between the hair and the skin. This can increase the risk of burns and decrease the effectiveness of the treatment. Avoid sunbathing, tanning beds, and self-tanning products throughout your laser hair removal journey.

  • Don’t Pluck or Wax

Don’t: Pluck or wax the treated area between sessions.

As mentioned earlier, shaving is fine, but avoid plucking or waxing. These methods remove the hair from the root, which is counterproductive to the laser’s purpose. Allow the hair to grow naturally between sessions, even if it’s not aesthetically ideal.

  • Don’t Use Harsh Products

Don’t: Use harsh skincare products on the treated area.

Avoid using products with active ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), retinoids, or benzoyl peroxide on the treated area for at least a week before and after your session. These products can make your skin more sensitive than normal and prone to irritation.

  • Don’t Overexpose Yourself to Heat

Don’t: Overheat your skin after treatment.

After a laser session, your skin is more susceptible to heat. Avoid hot baths, saunas, steam rooms, and strenuous exercise that induces heavy sweating for a couple of days post-treatment.

  • Don’t Skip Sunscreen

Don’t: Forget to use sunscreen.

Even after your laser hair removal sessions are complete, it’s crucial to protect your skin from the sun. Sunscreen with a high SPF should become a part of your daily routine, as sun exposure can stimulate hair growth and cause pigmentation changes.

  • Don’t Expect Immediate Results

Don’t: Expect hair to disappear immediately.

It’s common for hair to appear to grow back after a session. However, this is often the hair being pushed out by the damaged follicle. True results take time and multiple sessions.

  • Don’t Go for DIY Laser

Don’t: Attempt laser hair removal at home without professional training.

Home-use laser hair removal devices are available, but they are not as powerful or effective as those used in professional clinics. Attempting DIY laser hair removal without proper training can lead to unsatisfactory results or even skin damage.

Final Thoughts

Laser hair removal can be a game-changer in your quest for smooth, hair-free skin. By following these do’s and don’ts, you’ll get the maximum effectiveness of the treatment and minimize the risk of complications. Remember to consult with a qualified professional, choose a reputable clinic, and be patient throughout the process. In the end, the result of smooth, hair-free skin will be well worth the effort and investment.